Friday, September 2, 2011

Archbishop Chaput heads East

I love a good laugh, don't you?
Especially when the media professionals are silly, but don't mean to be. A little bit like the innocence of children who don't know they are cute yet.

( You have to watch the news-clip to enjoy the irony. ) :

Ah, Archbishop Chaput, there are so many great things they could have said about you!
They could have mentioned your book Render Unto Caesar where you write;

"A lot of the new bigotry simply involves a steady stress on Catholic sins while turning a blind eye to Catholic vitality"(p.41)

In the interview you say:
"I can't let this be the only issue...".

Hilariously, they can, however. And they do.

It's almost like they read your book! As their coverage unfolds, it becomes painfully obvious that "this" - sex scandal - IS the only issue. They mention it first. They illustrate it in the middle. ( By the way, the woman who flew to Denver to interview you, did she forget to pack her skirt?)

They close with more about "this."

You have an interesting fight ahead Archbishop Chaput. Not the least of which you will have to teach them to pronounce your name.

1 comment:

  1. You are right on Lucy. It would have been nice to have heard more than the scandal. This will be an amazing man to watch. I love the Franciscan reference he made!!!! That falls in line with how he will handle the scandal I imagine, but did anybody catch that?
