Saturday, July 9, 2011


  1. Hi Lucy, I'm Jan, Jozef's son. My mom wanted to write to you so I'm doing the translation :)
    My mom says:
    I'm very glad to get to know you through my husband. Thank you very much for your kind comment on our Caritas Blog. I saw your house on google maps and I think your neighbourhood is very pretty (I love how your house is hidden behind the trees). I'm sorry my English is not good enough to answer you personally but to be able to talk with you I'll try to learn something more. Let's meet more often on our blog! Our children are very curious about you and your family and have a lot of questions. Grażyna

  2. Grazyna,
    Thank you for writing me. Your posts on the Caritas blog are so well-written! I can understand you almost completely using - my husband showed me how to translate entire blogs.
    To see you in Poland living and working with children is to watch the eucharistic life we share as a truly universal one. It affects me deeply to experience the universality of our church in this way.
    Thank you for the compliments on our neighborhood. Google maps hide the flaws of our own home - but I admit the place where we live was a total gift from God. We get to be among priests and nuns and our children get to go to a school where hey get daily mass.
    I am looking forward to hearing more about your school, Headmistress.
    Your new friend in Christ,
