Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chaput; Take Two

I did not know the interview with Archbishop Chaput was a two-part deal.
So below I posted the rest of the interview. It is actually very interesting and brings things to light.

For one things, my cheeks are burning, Pat Ciarrocchi
was the one pronouncing his name right! I am humbled since apparently his French Canadian pronunciation is Sha-pew, and I have been misled by the local pronunciation. Lesson learned. Please listen to the rest of the interview.

I smell hope on the horizon, and a man of God is coming to sort out Philadelphia. Can't wait to watch it all unfold!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the title Lucy. "Nimm zwei" is a very good brand of German's candies. Thanks also for a proper pronunciation. For the rest I thank Msgr Chaput. Listening him is a great pleasure :)
